Friday, May 4, 2012

My PC's motherboard has an integrated video card if I buy a new card can I use both of em or do I remove old 1

Remember this video card is integrated so I'm not sure If I can remove it or not|||I'm assuming this is a Desktop?

Anyway you should be able to go into - Windows XP:


Control Panel



Device Manager

then Disable the Integrated Video Card.

Install your New Card and your ready to go.

If the Video Card is Integrated into the Motherboard you will not be able to remove it from the Board in Most Cases.|||You can't physically remove the video card but I'm almost 100% sure you can unistall the drivers of that internal video card. Once the drivers for that video card are removed you can then install your new video card and the drivers that came along with that one.|||Usually you can't use both an integrated video card and a discrete (standalone) video card. But, it really depends on whether the motherboard allows that or not. Check your motherboard's documentation.

You can definitely disable the on-board one though.|||Most motherboards have integrated video chips, even if the system has a real video card. All you have to do is pop in the new video card and install the drivers. You don't need to remove anything. Just make sure it's compatible.|||If the video card is integrated the computer's BIOS usually automatically disables it, when it senses a new one.

You just plug it in, install the software (drivers) and you're ready to go.

Good luck.|||you need not remove the one, when you insert the new card, you have to connect your monitr to then new card, The inbuilt one will not work at that time.

if you remove the additional card, then your inbuilt one will work.|||if you plug an add-on card, most likely that it will disable your old integrated video. if this is an old motherboard, you have to disable the integrated video from your BIOS. you don't have to remove it.|||You can not remove an integrated card. If your computer has a slot for a new video card to be added (AGP or PCI-Express) then you will disable the integrated video controller through the BIOS.. AFTER hooking up your new card.

Good luck.|||usually, if you add a video card, the bios will disable the onboard video.. but you can use both if you want to (and have multiple monitors.. though sometimes that setup simply wont work )|||no, what you will do is install the new one in the computer. and then you need to disable the integrated video card in the bios of your pc.|||You can't remove an integrated graphics card, but you can disable it in the bios. (Well, you *might* be able to actually unsolder the chip, *technically*)|||yes u may use it but this thing u can see in your boot setting utilities.there is a option of using both the graphical cards onboard and agp/pci express.

for this u may need epansion slot an agp or an pcie slot free on your motherboard.|||you just install the new card and its drivers and disable the onboard in device manager. you cannot remove an on-board video card without changing the mother board|||impossible to use both of them

you'll use the new one

and the old one is integrated it can't be removed

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