Friday, May 4, 2012

Uninstalling an Integrated Video Card.?

Well, I'm tired of my current video card. I purchased another one and it'll be here in a few days. What I was wondering is:

1) Can I just disable my Display Adapter (Integrated Video Card) instead of uninstalling?

2) If I have to uninstall the video card, do I uninstall it first, or disable it from the BIOS.

I'm just a little confused on how to do it.

Thanks.|||If you want to use your new graphic card that you bought just install it then connect your VGA cable of the monitor to the graphic card..

BY attaching your graphic card and using it your (Integrated Video Card) will no longer be use unless you attach again the monitor to it.. you don't need to go to BIOS SETTING..|||I recommend uninstalling the software for the integrated card first, just to avoid driver conflicts (especially if the integrated chipset is the same manufacturer as your new card- like Geforce 6100 and you're getting an 8800GT). Just make sure you've got the motherboard driver CD in case you ever need to reinstall.

No need to disable the card in Windows, just disable it in the BIOS upon the next reboot.

BTW, most integrated cards are automatically disabled when a standalone video card is detected in the motherboard PCI-E or AGP video slot, but you can manually set it to disabled , just to be sure.|||Yes, go to Bios and run your graphics off of your card. Then your integrated will be disabled.

It isn't really something you can uninstall. You can uninstall the drivers, but I suggest you keep it as backup in case your graphics card goes bad.|||no need to go to bios. if u want to unistall you can go to control panel/system/hardware or unistall in ad/remove programs. and i think you can keep the old software of your video card by just disabling it.

cheers!!!|||Some automatically switch off the integrated video when it detects its presence on bootup, some you need to disable the onboard video in bios.Check your manual.

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