Thursday, April 26, 2012

How much of a performance increase can I expect from a new video card?

The video card I'm currently using is an Intel GMA 950 integrated video card 128 mb

The video card I wanna get is Evga Geforce 9800gt 1gb:…

How big a performance difference will there be?|||It'll be a massive increase.

It's hard to quantify, but integrated video shares resources with your processor, while stand alone provides all of it's own ram and processing power.

Just off hand, I'd expect to see about a 15-20 fold increase in performance at least. Especially since you're moving to a fairly powerful card.

The best benchmark I can think of is this: Your current card will not, under any circumstance, play the game "Crysus". The new card will play it just fine (assuming you don't have any extraneous issues, such as a weak PSU or ram bottleneck).|||for gaming the difference will be massive, i upgraded from a built in to a card thats not as good as your card and the difference is still impressive|||There's a huge difference.|||There'll be huge difference. But be that it'll be compatible with your system. What kind of computer do you have and how it is will be important in whether or not you can use this card. You have to have PCI express x16 on your motherboard.|||your graphics performance will be about 8 times better if you get this.|||A video card with 1 gig will run as smooth as butter. there will be an extreme improvment graphic wise.|||JESUS!! Stop in your tracks!!! Please do not get the 9800GT, there REALLY is not a BIG difference between the 9800GT and the 8800GT DDR3...

And plus the 8800GT DDR3 is half the god damn price, the 9800GT was only at most 5fps more then the 8800GT playing call of duty 4.

Please ask around regarding both cards, or even google benchmarks. You will see what I'm talking about. It's half the price, don't forget.

Hope this helps.

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