Friday, April 27, 2012

Is it possible to replace your motherboard, along with the CPU, fan, and integrated video card without..?

purchasing a new computer, changing RAM, etc. at all?

Note: I do have a second video card and it is better than the default one so throwing it away isn't a big deal for me.

I have a Dell Dimension 3000.

My RAM is DDR.

I don't want to overclock it mainly because I'm not really good with computers and I heard shortens the lifespan of it.|||Yes, It's possible to change each and every part of a PC without purchasing a new PC itself!!|||Yes, It is possible to replace the motherboard , the CPU, the fan, and integrated video card, without buying a new computer or changing the Ram, AS long as the new motherboard is compatible with the old ram, the CPU, the fan, and the integrated video card.

But i would not suggest spending a lot of money fixing a old computer when the cheapest computer you can buy will probably have more processing power and better graphics than the Dell Dimension 3000.

If you can get the new motherboard, cpu, fan, and integrated parts cheap enough and their all compatible then its debatable.

Hope this helped.|||Of course... Assuming the new motherboard was compatible with the existing RAM and processor.

Why would you want to change the board? You might as well buy a new computer - or if you're on a newer P4 board (LGA775 rather than 478) you could upgrade the processor. Doesn't seem to be any sense in upgrading just the board.|||Anything is possible, but if you are not good with computers, how will you do it? If you buy parts and pay somebody to do it, it is CHEAPER and EASIER to buy a new computer, than to do what you mentioned.

Faster fan will not make CPU faster.|||my parents have the same one as u...

most likely no, its not a graphics card the Dimesion 3000 series has its a graphics CONTROLLER unless u managed to get it somehow if you did call dell and ask for the compatiblity info.|||Eh scratch that I thought you ment something else. Yeah you can.

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